Tuesday, 12 May 2009


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Wajdyss Poenya Gawe

Indicators ini, menjadi buah bibir, bagi mereka yang berada dalam kalangan "pengamat" perkembangan Custom Indicators Meta Trader4, seseorang yang bernama wajdyss, telah mengambil alih, dan merubah property link Indicator aslinya dan sak enak'e dewe menambahkan label dan alamat email wajdyss dalam tampilan Platform Meta Trader4 tersebut, File Aslinya aku cari cari gak tahu simpen dimana, jadi yang anda copy ini adalah hasil campur tangangan wadyss itu, daripada ribut terus mendingan tak ganti lagi mejadi Milik Semua Trader Aja hahaha...

Sayang kalau dilewatkan karena Indicators ini, menurut saya bagus untuk refferensi Anda dalam Forex Trading.

Lihat Komentar Wajdyss Atas Pembelaannya di forum :


wajdyss wrote:

As I put the name of the original indicator, and then put the name of the author & his E-mail, there is no plagiarism

wajdyss, see the code: you didn't put name of the author (only your own name) - there is plagiarism

Downloaded: 361
WAJDYSS_SSL_channel_chart_alert_indicator_v2.mq4 (5.3 Kb)

#property copyright "wajdyss"
#property link "wajdyss@yahoo.com"

i mean i wrote the original indicator "ssl_channel", then i wrote a "ssl_channel indicator" author

in comments



01.05.2009 14:50 wajdyss
wajdyss wrote:

As I put the name of the original indicator, and then put the name of the author & his E-mail, there is no plagiarism

wajdyss, see the code: you didn't put name of the author (only your own name) - there is plagiarism

Downloaded: 361
WAJDYSS_SSL_channel_chart_alert_indicator_v2.mq4 (5.3 Kb)

#property copyright "wajdyss"
#property link "wajdyss@yahoo.com"

01.05.2009 05:37 fxxx
fxxx wrote:

As I put the name of the original indicator, and then put the name of the author & his E-mail, there is no plagiarism

29.04.2009 11:24 wajdyss

then next time take somebody's book, put your labels with your name and arrows, name it after youself - and put yourself as an author : ))))


Plagiat (plagiarism) - cocedered a very disgraceful doing

29.04.2009 04:13 fxxx
fxxx wrote:

I think once I put the name of the indicator after the names of the original proof of the indicator and the original author

indicator SSL_Channel like moving averages and RSI and ADX indicators

I have relied on indicators of the former name of indicators

Just to name the indicator after the names of the original show is the right of the indicator, which was adopted by the original

28.04.2009 14:03 wajdyss

wajdyss wrote:

....I did not write my name only, but wrote the name of the indicator "SSL_Channel", which I also developed ....

You Developed the Indicator !! LOL! - You don't even know what "to develop the indicator" means !

all you "developed" is a very useful labels which makes you the "author" of any ind. you bother to stick it into... : ))))


wajdyss, next time you stealing (borrowing) someone work (intellectual), it's better not to cut-off real authors names...

28.04.2009 02:51 fxxx
fxxx wrote:
wajdyss wrote:
fxxx wrote:

wajdyss, where is real authors names and copyrights?

why you say that ?

i added a arrows and alert only & I say a real name of indicator



because you're the author of labels, not author of indicator

because you threw away (took off) real authors names and copyrights, you put your own name, you stated - you're author and all authorship and copyrights belongs to you now - and that's not good

I did not write my name only, but wrote the name of the indicator "SSL_Channel", which I also developed

I have put my name because I added an arrows and alert for this Indicator,However, I put the name of the indicator that I developed a wajdyss_SSL_Channel

, then I wrote a real name for SSL Channel Indicator programmer :



27.04.2009 14:13 wajdyss
wajdyss wrote:
fxxx wrote:


wajdyss, where is real authors names and copyrights?

why you say that ?

i added a arrows and alert only & I say a real name of indicator



because you're the author of labels, not author of indicator

because you threw away (took off) real authors names and copyrights, you put your own name, you stated - you're author and all authorship and copyrights belongs to you now - and that's not good

27.04.2009 04:54 fxxx
fxxx wrote:

wajdyss, where is real authors names and copyrights?

why you say that ?

i added a arrows and alert only & I say a real name of indicator

a copyrights of SSl Channel is



26.04.2009 22:31 wajdyss


wajdyss, where is real authors names and copyrights?

26.04.2009 07:23 fxxx


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